Astronomy for the Blind and Low Vision

Including blind and low vision people in ongoing astronomy outreach programs using existing resources and expertise.


Resources and expertise for including blind and low vision people in astronomy outreach programs are abundant.


Astronomy outreach organizations aren't aware of the resources and aren’t sure how to get started.


Bring experts and resources together with outreach groups to get them started and continue to guide them in this inclusive activity.

The Stars Are For Everyone

Everyone appreciates learning about the sky. But for those who have heard so much about the sky and the stars but never seen them, it’s a life changing experience.

They learn the sky is curved, get a feel (literally) for the size of lunar craters and the sizes of the planets, and much more. Things the sighted take for granted. 

If you’re an outreach organization that wants to learn about including blind and low vision people in your existing programs. Sharing the sky is what we do. Learn to share with those who have been left out.

share the sky

Join us to learn from others like you

We can learn from each other and include everyone regardless of where we are under the stars.